Sunday, September 27, 2015


                                      KOS KER TEMLE OF CAMBODIA

Kos Ker temples built between 921 AD -940 AD oriented to the east, in the year 900 BC -928 BC his son King mmr (Norway) reign continued until 928 BC. During the year 921 AD 4th mmr want to be a king without grabbed his nephew to build a new capital Ker and reign in the year 921 BC (late).

Kos Ker temple - old, ancient Khmer capital position has been in existence for more than 1,000 years ... Ker (Koh Ker) is situated Srayong commune Srayong Kulen district, Preah Vihear is located 72 km. From the town of Siem Reap and the street number 211 and Trail distance of 49 km. From the town church. If traveling by road No. 64 from No. 6 point Nikom District, Siem Reap district towards the north to target butts on the Siem Reap to Kulen district, Preah Vihear is located approximately 120 km.. Koh Ker was the capital of old age more than 1,000 years ago. Most of the Koh Ker temple was built during the reign of King Jayavarman 4 in the 10 th century (928-942). Jayavarman 4 working capital changes from study Anuradhapura (Angkor) to Koh Ker. He was the usurper king's nephew, son of Yasovarman. The new workplace he has built several major achievements such as Koh Ker temple for placements sevling Phu Kutisvara architecture of the temple at Koh Ker temple construction is the largest single top and high in one tower. Ker temple height of about 35 is divided into 7 classes, such as the Grand National Cheng station is oriented to the west toward the capital of Angkor. There is a staircase of about 55 steps. According to a height of 5 mm surfaces 2 aisles each class. At the top of the temple has a large statues Krut are performed bronze Shiva penis Phu Kutisvara the nearby mouth of the hole size 4x4 wells. After the death of His Royal with Rajendravarman capital Koh Ker or raw kry also been turned into the capital lock Anuradhapura (Angkor). Ker built on an area of ​​highlands called Bay or raw kry. But the official language, Sanskrit, which is recorded in the inscription penis Anuradhapura. The temple at Koh Ker is a great Wonders of the Khmer. What you study historical and attention from the Koh Ker site is the construction of the temple a conic.

 Most of the construction of the temple is built of brick, laterite and sandstone. Good construction, the temple is unique, so is art in architecture Khmer named Ker is the name of a style called Koh Ker style. Remember when people generally imagine and can be visited to see with my own eyes about Koh Ker, everyone can think that it is the country's pyramids. Construction or construction Ker temple is dedicated to a deity named Phu Kutisvara inscriptions in Khmer, "rare monarchy" as the main deity or happiness at the cult of holy men. Koh Ker region, leaving many new findings not only the various monuments and statues are valuable historical legacy. Researchers have found today a temple about 100 temples in the region Koh Ker in an area of ​​9 km 4 corner temples, some such as temples sword toppled three lakes long ponds forest land years completely cypress penis prison srakoum pools Santa Sophy Red wells him Khna water red Blanc poor counting barracks, two-story prison black thnoeng largely office toilets Rohal knowledge voices state of ponds purple neangokhmaw five missing Khnar China muzzle Chrap flag tower walls. Etc. These temples built straight but not separate from the 1. 3. Or 4. Today, the temple was damaged disappeared, some buried in the ground .... Through the centuries Ker war, suffered devastation from natural and human. Ker suffered a broken and damaged. To conserve and care more closely and effectively Koh Ker was the Royal Government of Cambodia to request documents included in the World Heritage properties.

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