Sunday, January 31, 2016

The sacred nature of neak Pean

The sacred nature of neak Pean

The sacred nature of neak Pean

Pean temple there are five ponds and four small ponds around the large pond in the middle.
Pean Baray is located in the middle of "Victor / Jayatataka" or Northern Baray Baray, which has a width of 900 mm and a length of 3,500 mm.
The temple is built on the same axis with Preah Khan, built on an artificial island, one side has a length of 350 m and a ladder laterite and designed by receipts. In addition, the wall length of 340 mm in a corner surrounded castle.
The central temple is located on the axis of the cross-shaped pools or showers. The first name that is known is her kingdom as Rajasri Pean's modern name, which means "dragon surrounded" the dragon, which surrounded the temple.
According to the words of George Sodes, Finot, and Victor Goloubew given the hypothesis that the "big pond middle of the pond is represented anovotabt a holy pond at Mount Meru-centric world. Pond This gave birth to the rivers charm the big four are: 'Ganges, river Brahma son, River weep today, the river staffs and' pond All of this size is 25 mm in one corner, which at Pean they define an image comes represent these rivers and statues were a symbol element creatures: «Water, soil, fire, and air. ' Water Elephant represented by the north, theatokhyal represented by the heads of the horses in the west, Fire represented by the heads of lions in the south, and the element represented by a human head in the east. Anovotabt pond was filled with hot water springs and are respected in India for the power of kerok of water.
In addition, according to the inscription of Preah Pean spoke about a "mystical island of island beauty rise up and wash all the mud skeptical of coming here to go with me." Bethesda, four and all the spray nozzle discharges carve a variety of human and animal heads, which was thought to have healing properties. This casts doubt that the island Pean minutes therapist or may be used where sins. The suspect is also in line with the sculpture avloketesvar in several places, the TEP rescue beings. Moreover, there is carving its position as the horse to rescue a group of merchant ship ogress as his prey.
Sacred water flows out of the drainage connection from the four large ponds and drainage features are different:
- North: Elephant
- South: Lion's head
- East: a human head
- West: a horse head.

There are four small roof slope dome decorated with lotus position.
- Bethesda North Bethesda for lotthipreahma they assume that the water from the Elephant mail Ganges River Ganges.
- Pond Pond East River flows Brahma son. It is believed that flow from this boosts the power of wisdom as a female Bodhisattva As brachnha_barmitea and purity.
- South Pond represent female power represents the power of the king. When the desired power Ranariddh fight to succeed them in a pond south pond, creating a river called staffs and why they made the river staffs and lion heads, because the lion was born in hell Trai. Tor was born out of the flames of divine wrath swept constitute a lion as Tunisia policies. Drink from a lion's head, believed to have the power and blessings from the goddess Tunisia policies that she killed the giant buffalo head violent hero.
- Western pond drink from the horses they believe will get power immortality vast powers of preahpeay because this horse was born in hell tevlok Vishnu gave preahpeay vehicle. West lake or river flowing creating a whine.
Meanwhile, from the central tower was opened in the east, and three other corner was blocked by a statue absence talo honor no swap and small reliefs of elephants on each side. On the pediment of the tower, depicting the life of Buddha:
- East pediment: Buddha hair
- Western pediments: Buddha of protection goddess mouch Talents
- Pediments North: leave the Buddha's Palace
- South pediments: Buddhist meditation under the Bodhi.
In the central tower was carved body goddess (Sunda and index) chhvay cords around the foundation and the dragon's tail ptthopn in the west is the assumption called Castle said Pean. Special characters in the big pond is chamleaklot horse was swimming towards the island, and an image to hold their horses. This horse is a virtual world seek to rescue merchant ship called dry and his colleagues from the plague. They were shipwrecked in Sri Lanka and was arrested as fodder by the ogress who has the longest fangs.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Plong kralean ancient custom!

Plong kralean ancient custom!

Each year, only to thngaipenhbaunr_mi Tebeth police outside the neighborhood Chak village Siem Reap almost always burn kralean packing cakes Phaav, ansaom lye to take to the Plong kralean tonight salachhtean or monasteries. This is one of many year's Angkor.
It was handed down from fathers to as customs unique from other villages. Locals call this Plong kralean means festival kralean to pour out or left in order to monks to object to merit dedicated to nheateka dead.
Khmer This means 2 1. Regarding agriculture, cultivation and celebrate the harvest crops because our country is dependent on agriculture and farming for many Khmer both before and after planting. Plong kralean not in Buddhism or Hinduism, but net net we take Buddhism as the state religion and mixed with Hinduism, the residents invited monks to attend the ceremony presided over and organized sei. In reality, this is the animated story of doctrine believe in natural water, earth, fire and air. Thus, before the ceremony Plong kralean Which senoanaktea community in advance for either energy landowners make land fertile soil there is not enough rain to pests destroying crops.

2. related to ancestors who have died, the most important reason. Khmer faith who may be born as a human being is an important element 2 is the name of (soul) and (body).
Every person dies he will become as drifting everywhere. So to celebrate the soul born again not to drift too until 2 then they do what's made from ground rice as representative figures. So they took away the glutinous Krolan refer to the body's behalf. They do not take into kralean to put itself in the middle field, not afraid of the soul can not come in, in order for the soul take a picture until they take them away in the woods and took autumn covers just archbishop doing ceremony called rebukes the soul to come and let monks come to the retention of which Blong to soul then get the look they give. The ceremony Plong kralean physical transmission means renewable nepotism benevolent spirit. It is related to Ben, the largest Hindu 15 days they have not ben referred to Ghosts, but refers to the name that received the body to be born again.
In fact, besides Plong kralean more Angkor conservation and continuing to this day, such as rain Meakh bangkokchhmab.



Zika virus outbreak and enthusiasm spread across the Americas, and at least 3 to 4 million people would be infected Zika in the US this year

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, said today that Zika virus is now broke and enthusiasm spread around America.
She added that at the moment there are some 23 countries are affected by Zika virus, which is a warning sign and an announcement in a high but not alarming levels.
A few days ago, health officials in Denmark have confirmed that a man was found cases of virus Zika first in Denmark and called for nationals of all its not go to countries in Latin America, while health officials in Denmark have confirmed today that a man was found cases of virus Zika first in Denmark and called for nationals of all its not go to countries in Latin America.
Also virus Zika was found first on monkeys in 1947 in Uganda are in Africa, and in 1952, the disease has infected the first humans through mosquitoes, mosquito and spread in Africa and some islands in the Pacific. Those infected will have fever, headaches, itching and joint pain, watery eyes, a fever and symptoms similar to dengue.

Monday, October 5, 2015



The presence of sculpture cranes or Kok Tep.In the wall of Khmer temples - a virtual bird brings harmony province cold long life to live and continue to seed on Cambodian soil since thousands of years ago.

Cranes called in English called "Sarus Crane" is the type of birds that fly farther and higher and the giants and the world's tallest. Cranes, red, gray or silver color and has a red head, red legs have 5 fingers.

Tall cranes of up to 1.80 meters, and it wings to fly with a length of 2.40 meters from one wing to the other wing, and can live to 40 years, as well as the longest old bird.

Cranes live and do business on the ground, large plains and reproduction in ponds or lakes at Thom bolder in the region between May to October. These cranes spawning plateau in the north and northeastern Cambodia from May. 1 family cranes 1 egg 1 egg and 3 eggs. Usually cranes flock until a bird reproductive season should respectively Moreover cranes should be considered a faithful lover. Traditionally, when early morning before sunrise cranes began to scream and dance each other should be a paradise.

Triathlon cranes young and original Opteron and grain fell on the ground, a good point is less food like rice stick to the original. Sometimes cranes grass or cane pests, such as locusts, frogs and fish. Due to the many features of the cranes and father just called Khmer cranes, "jail time."

In rural areas, especially areas with cranes living in or passing through the ethnic Khmer believe that when there is a flock of cranes flying up to Lathe curved aerial and fields, crying that is the harbinger (news), one told in the region, including the groom - bride or couple any affair until the abduction also there. This belief has since ancient times and continue to date this is another special feature senses cranes. Omen, it was not a bad omen, but it's just a warning to those who wish to watch, edit and told those elders to care for children.

Cranes in the world's rare bird species conservation work. The worldwide figure is only about 2 thousand head in 2010. Among the countries in Southeast Asia, most countries do not have the presence cranes living in the country and only cranes in the most present. Today, cranes live and reproduction in Cambodia amounted to nearly 1 thousand in key regions 5 where are preserved the strictest such as the conservation area cranes pool pools rock Banteay Meanchey, present cranes largest (Ang Trapeang Thmor Sarus Crane Conservation Area / is located in the geographic areas of Khum Poy Srok) area canyon Pring Kampot (Anlung Pring / located in the geography of the commune boengsaaleakheangotbaung and Prek If white Kompong Trach district) at Boeung Prek pumpkin (Boeung Prek Lapouv) Takeo in Preah Vihear and in the wetlands around the Great Lake.

Since ancient times to the present population in Asia, China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the Khmer belief that cranes or jail Tep is a virtual province picture brings harmony cold longevity to people so they are popular gifts to one another, the iconic cranes nice for display at home.

Kok Tep cranes live and ongoing house on Cambodian soil since thousands of years until the present. Obviously we observe cranes in the name legendary songs, especially on the walls of Angkor Wat temple statues and temple..

(See additional article that I posted before, "former rock pools, ponds huge construction site Killing Fields era has become a rare bird habitat and an attractive resort")

Sunday, October 4, 2015




Nori: Transportation unique heated foreigners bamboo train (Bamboo Train)
Vehicle processing, made from bed rneabryssaei for running on the railway, known as 'Nori' are residents living nearby along the railroad vacant established post out of the Khmer Rouge came to facilitate transport in the villages nearby from village to village or from commune to commune in daily life.Akinori rail for running on a simple processing vehicle Cambodians Innovative bed rneabryssaei size of about 1.6 meters by 4 meters accent propped on steel wheel motor-powered motorcycle recycling machines or machines behind. About a bed made of rneabryssaei and foreigners call the bamboo train (Bamboo Train). Whereas it is the wheel tires remaining tanks from the war and can run on the rail at a speed of up to 50km / h.Without a clear talk about the history of this Nori. But they can guess the thought that it may be mobilized from the tonal language "Lorry", which means that mobile Railway toys vehicle and road maintenance. Akinori seen since the 1970s for rail transport personal baggage. And there is no motor, so it always used bamboo deadlift for debate. In the 1980s this way they also used it to transport troops to the front lines.

For more than 40 years, Nori has become a popular means of transportation especially of the people in Kampong Chhnang, Pursat province. Some Khmer citizens need Akinori travel by rail to make its way to nearby targets along an old rail. Apart from regular trips there used Nori Rice to transport goods to sell in the pet market. The other, the number of foreign tourists also popular ride.Nori also contribute a large part to the tourism sector in the community because there are foreign tourists always want to ride Akinori entertainment to see the rural landscape fields and see the lives of the Cambodian people.Nori has become a major tourist attraction in the province. More ads from this trip Nori makes this type of processing a vehicle even attract national and international visitors rushed to test ride because it may lose future rail repair project there. A few years ago, this ride Akinori rich foreigners, but today more Khmer especially youth. Afternoon multinational people standing triebatra old train station Ou rod 1, Sangke Battambang travel time about 15 minutes from the town of Battambang. Tickets $ 5 per person for Khmer and foreign guests from point O-Stick to aurosralaw target is stopped.

For routine conditions of the journey, when faced by the wayside, as well as passenger trains are already panting rise up out of the rail. Moreover, in a situation when Akinori met in the middle, they are assuming on weight is you open Nori on the side that has the number of people ride less or lighter was down from Nori and lifting vehicles this edge to the other side of the road so that you turn to the side which has more weight can go forward.Province may be the last place that Nori. Akinori current 30 to 50 units, running parallel with the number of visitors also increased from 10 to 20 percent. But Nori will also soon have no presence here. Nori can stop all processes when the field of railway development.

Monday, September 28, 2015



Kravean temple ,fresh fine brick sculpture, especially sculpture gallery a Deity in the stands dancing behavior yeangosanghea

Kravean temple is suitable locations Kravann Thom commune Siem Reap.Kravean temple built in the 10th century 921 built in the reign of King Harshavarman 1 (Harshavarman I) by changing the style Bak to the Koh Ker style dedicated to Vishnu, Brahma.
The name of thisKravean temple date is not clear yet whether this name comes from any source? Writing in the majority of those who listen to foreign people not to write cardamom fact, people call the temple Kravann because people understand that this Kravann-rich flowers around it.
If we travel from downtown Siem Reap and then proceed to Prasat Prasat and turn in a distance of about 3 km towards Srang spotted beauties,Kravean temple older among various temples, built of brick.
Though the temple is small but perfect brick sculpture. The temple has a five-tower, which is oriented to the east. When we arrived at the gate brasaeatokravean and we look to the temple to see the top 5 tower built of brick on the same platform, the same sort. Each tower stairs at a time, and another has a single entrance, and some are broken tower and tower 4, 5, 3 different sizes. At the Pentagon, the center of most large, while the two tower aisle a bit smaller and the latest tower chains are the smallest size.
In the tower Kravean temple many sculptures which describes the mythological story of the god Vishnu and Krong. Not only Kravean temple sculpture of Vishnu and goddess wedding kmsai.

On the walls of the tower big of Kravean temple which is fixed by Montenegro league Yemen is the French we saw a mural representing the Deity one is in the behavior stayed standing dance yeangosanghea with King, one stayed on the throne, and the sculpture is another that should surprise most interesting on the pink growing bud a gloss finish course. But armed police 4 ketanophon kangochak Tip Briefing pearl sticks and goes global sphere representing the earth.
At the bottom of the Deity they saw a woman meditation justice related kmsai princess pink harem of his. What is noteworthy is her back Tuesday Thanh shaped charts represent the sea.
Attitudes Dance of Vishnu Such was underlined through Bible Tai transaction Syria yuan white mhi and it CS Indonesia Yin white mhi which studied by Kor The husband scholars National Indian and inscriptions Khmer well (Cf. COEDES, G. Inscription du Cambodge, Vol III. St. XXV).
As in the field of statues in the country, they have experienced a classical sculpture in Thailand and Laos, which represents Vishnu in the same behavior, though we do not yet have a detailed study. Like sculptures in the pediments of the Temple mother brasaeatophnomroung and village head or the ruins of Wat Phu.
The presence of these sculptures show the greatness and fame of Vishnu in the Angkor period during the 9th century to the 12th century.
In fact, through sculpture Vishnu fish vikram above artist Khmer want to show Christians know the depth of the influence his sacred in the maintenance of this world to guard constantly sustained because this world from behavior to attitude a mortal always be destroyed destruction disaster and is created by the sovereign bronze of the Creator of this review. Created by destroying every bad influence by "dancing frenzy" as a way or a way to finish off the evil empire.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC / ITC)

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC / ITC)

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC / ITC)

ITC is the higher education institutions in the country that trained technical engineers. All exams to go to high school, this is crossing the disciplines on certification such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., and carried out by the toughest rules. No piracy or ask here. In principle, stealing a copy or ask when the exam is automatically dropped. Exam for the new school year 2015-2016 academic year on 29 September 2015, the school will also continue to apply the toughest, as the past year (as in the photo).
The Institute was given help from the Soviet Union until 1975 and from 1980 to 1991. In 1991, the Soviet Union ended the immediate assistance exclusively to the institute.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), higher education institutions run by the Higher Education Agency of French-speaking countries (AUF) from 1993 to 2004 in the framework of the assistance financed by France (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of France).

ITC trained technical managers who need to develop the country in the field of science and engineers have a two-part study is:
1. "Engineer" a 5-year study period for students who were selected through competition level High school. Engineering, teaching French language students in the area as well, and students trained in French.
2. "Senior technicians" (Higher Education Diploma of Technology) 3-year study period. Selection of students held a document and request admission exams from secondary degree. Students trained Khmer and French. In these two sections require students speak English as well.
In recent years, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia divided into 8 Department:

- Talent, chemicals and food / Génie Chimie et Alimentaire (GCA)
- Civil talent / Génie Civil (GCI)

- Information and communication talent / Génie Informatique et Communication (GIC)

- Tepkaosaly_chonobat / Génie Rural (GRU)